Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Real Estate Crisis

There are many things to think about if you have fallen on a hardship. I hope this article helps you in realizing that you are not alone and that there are benefits and consequences if you do walk away. Make an informed decision.


Thursday, June 2, 2011

Emergency Housing and Food in the SF Valley

I hope and pray that one day we will not need these services but in times like these people really do need them. If you know of anyone that needs help the least you can do is point them in the right direction. Here are some facilities and their numbers:

Burbank Family Services, Burbank..........................(818) 845-7671
Burbank Temporary Aid, Burbank...........................(818) 848-2822
Cornerstone, Van Nuys...........................................(818) 901-4836
F.I.S.H., Chatsworth...............................................(818) 882-3474
Independent Living Center.......................................(818) 988-9525
Loaves & Fishes, Van Nuys.....................................(818) 997-0943
Lutheran Social Services, Van Nuys.........................(818) 901-9480
Mend, Pacoima.......................................................(818) 896-0246
North Valley Caring Service, North Hills..................(818) 830-4036
On Your Feet, Studio City........................................(818) 506-5973
Salvation Army, Burbank..........................................(818) 845-7214
St. Jane Frances Food Pantry, North Hollywood.......(818) 766-7393
Valley Shelter, North Hollywood...............................(818) 982-4091
Women's Care Cottage, North Hollywood................(818) 753-4580

If you happen to be blessed and do not need these services please keep them in mind for any donations of money or food that you can spare. Thank you and God Bless.